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Finland not opening its borders for tourists in the near future

Jan 12, 2021

Finland is not going to open its borders for tourists in the near future. The Finnish government is all set to introduce new Coronavirus-related entry restrictions. Eriikka Koistinen, a spokesperson for the Finnish Ministry of the Interior.

As reported earlier, the Finnish government was expected to adopt tougher measures to prevent the spread of new variants of the Coronavirus.

Reports suggest that the Ministry of the Interior had been asked to chalk out a proposal for stepping up measures at border-crossing points. Further, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health also proposed to the government to restrict cross-border travel as much as possible to ensure travellers undergo the COVID tests at the borders. As per the ministry, the restrictions would likely put a stop to all travels, except the required business travel.
Finland not opening its borders for tourists in the near futureCredit: iStock

Referring to the tighter rules, Minister of the Interior Maria Ohisalo recently stated that the new variants of COVID have forced the government to weigh up all possible means to reduce the number of border crossings. She added that in comparison to other European countries, Finland’s border restrictions have been very strict, and that they still have room to make them stricter. She also said that they have been prepared to do that all along if the situation warrants it, and now is the situation that requires such an action.

As of now, people arriving from high-risk countries are required to observe a 10-day self-monitored quarantine, the duration of which can be reduced by testing negative for COVID. Ohisalo added that maybe in the coming days, there will be some new kind of quarantine or testing-related protocols in place for work travel too.


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